What is Feng Shui

What is feng shui? In this article, we are going to learn about the principles of feng shui, its history and its role in modern Chinese culture.

What is feng shui?

The word “feng shui” is a combination of the Chinese words for wind (风 fēng) and water (水 shuǐ), and can roughly be translated as “the way of wind and water.” Feng shui is an ancient Chinese philosophical concept based on the idea of “conscious occupation” and the harmonization of space, with the aim of bringing positive energy and influence to the people who occupy space in the world.

Yang energy, which is traditionally associated with males, is said to be active and light, while Yin, or “female,” energy is said to be dark and passive. Together, Yin and Yang represent the duality of opposite forces that make up everything in the universe.

Feng shui principles represent a blueprint that, if followed, can help balance and create harmony between these vital energies.

The history of feng shui and its ancient traditions

There is some debate when it comes to the origins and history of feng shui. However, what is clear is that its history spans at least 3,000 years. In fact, this concept may even have been utilized as long as 6,000 years ago.

Feng shui is quite a complicated discipline, a geomancy with an incredibly long history tightly interwoven with Chinese astrology and metaphysics. Some scholars have also argued that feng shui symbols can be found in Taoism and Buddhism, suggesting that its history is bound up with that of these ancient belief systems.

Feng Shui and the Chinese Compass

For centuries, the Chinese believed that there were invisible forces at work all around us. Later, they understood that these invisible forces corresponded with the magnetic forces of the Earth.

This realization led to one of the greatest inventions in human history: the magnetic compass, also called the “feng shui compass.”

Although initially used as a tool for divination, the Chinese magnetic compass was later adopted for navigation by the Song Dynasty during the 11th century. Today, the traditional Luopan is still used by feng shui practitioners to determine the best location of objects.

Feng shui in tomb location

Some of the earliest references to feng shui can be traced back to the Zhou dynasty (1122 BCE), when it was used for determining ideal locations for burial sites. This practice is still used today, with practionisers using the Chinese compass to find the best location for a person’s grave.

Many people believe that choosing the right position for one’s grave can bring blessings for one’s posterity. Choosing a poor location, however, can bring misfortune on future generations.

Auspicious locations were thought to be those with good Qi flow. One of the general principles used to choose such an auspicious location in feng shui is “lean against mountains and face waters,” so many tombs are built on or near mountains overlooking water.

The Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum and the Sun Yatsen Mausoleum, both located in Nanjing, are good examples of tombs built according to traditional feng shui principles.

Feng shui in construction

Feng shui was and still is used to determine the ideal location of buildings and other sites, such as gardens, as well as their layout. Those planning a construction project should first take into consideration the location of the land, the area surrounding it and the direction that each proposed structure and its windows face.

Feng shui places great importance on symmetry in architecture. A good example of this use of the concept can be seen in the construction of The Forbidden City.

In accordance with feng shui principles, The Forbidden City was built on a main axis running from north to south, with the main front entrance facing south which was deemed an auspicious direction by the feng shui masters at the time. All buildings within the city were also symmetrically arranged on either side of the axis in order to create a harmonious flow of Chi.

Feng shui principles have also traditionally been used to design outdoor spaces in China. The classical Chinese gardens in Suzhou are very good examples of the application of feng shui concepts in landscaping.

Practice of Feng Shui today

Today, the ancient concept of Feng Shui continues to enjoy widespread popularity, both within China and in many other countries around the world.

Feng Shui in modern World

Feng Shui principles are still widely used in the world today to determine the ideal location for tombs and buildings. Feng Shui principles are also often used in interior design. These practices are still quite prevalent amongst older Chinese people and play an important role in modern Chinese culture.

When designing or buying a home, many people take into account the direction and positioning of the building with the goal of optimizing them according to feng shui principles.

Some may even hire a professional feng shui master (风水师傅 fēngshuǐ shīfù) to advise on the most auspicious layout and design of their home or office space in order to ensure optimal luck and a harmonious environment.

Masters and skyscrapers

For example, if called on for advice regarding a new office building for a business, a feng shui master might give suggestions on how to decorate, the location of the building itself, where to situate the boss and their office, where to place the entrances and the reception and how much green space to utilize. It is believed that with these principles in place, the business will be able to receive prosperous energy which will ensure a smooth business operation.

Although some skeptics (especially among younger generations) may disregard feng shui as pure superstition, many Chinese people still design their homes and public spaces with its principles in mind. Its presence can still be seen reflected in the architectural design of both traditional and modern building units.

Some of the most prominent examples of the use of feng shui in modern Chinese architecture can be found in Hong Kong, where feng shui concepts were used to design iconic buildings like the HSBC Building and the Bank of China Tower.

Feng shui is also still utilized in modern China to find suitable burial sites. Tomb location is still incredibly important and many still believe that a grave’s characteristics can influence a family for generations.

Some people in China today may even consult a feng shui master to move their ancestor’s tombs if they believe that the feng shui in the existing tomb location is creating bad luck for the family.

Popularity Outside of China

Feng shui has been gaining popularity outside of China for many years, and its influence is continuing to grow. Feng Shui is no longer merely about the movement of Chi, but it represents a kind of clean and minimalist aesthetic.

Over the years, the popularization of “minimalism” in the west has greatly influenced the way people interact with their spaces. Many are becoming more aware about the important role that one’s environment plays in regulating mood and providing a relaxing experience.

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